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Sec S3c2443x Test B D Driver

the advanced performance test tools in the latest generation of the st-series enable system developers to test their software and hardware solutions against a range of server workloads. the new approach to hardware platform-level testing also enables direct integration of the platform into new workloads greatly speeding up development time and reducing overall testing cost. these tools are available on the latest version of the st-series of products.

sec s3c2443x test b d driver

linux foundation today announced the linux foundation collaboration summit openpower 2019 and openpower fellowship 2019 calls, offering an opportunity for early-stage and mid-career researchers and engineers to gain experience developing linux kernel technology and technical expertise while working on open source projects. this year, the openpower fellowship calls will start on february 1 and end on april 1.

yesterday the european union unveiled its plan for the digital single market, which will be the foundation for a united continent-wide digital market and the second stage of its digital agenda. the digital single market will focus on three key challenges in modern digital ecosystems: open data, open innovation and open standards. this will be achieved through the 10 x 20 plan and a series of proposals that strengthen the single market for a digital economy and society.

news summary a russian sputnik satellite has been launched into orbit in a demonstration of a new kind of propulsion system. the rocket has no engines instead it is powered by a set of four solid state ion thrusters. the combination is a new way to reach space. in the future, it could mean cheaper and more efficient access to space for space agencies and for commercial spaceflight.


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